CCI Open Data Portal

Free and open access to all CCI Essential Climate Variable data products

The Open Data Portal hosts the suite of Essential Climate Variable datasets produced under the Climate Change Initiative (CCI) programme as a single point of access. It serves datasets into both the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) and the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) to enhance the discoverability of the CCI datasets.

Free and open access to the CCI climate data records, via Open Access data policy, is critically important for their widespread use and public benefit.

CCI Open Data Portal

--> Access the Open Data Portal

The international user community can access additional services for data discovery and access, including a data dashboard and the CCI Toolbox as a software environment for ingesting, operating on, and visualising the CCI data records.

The CCI Data Policy v1.1 makes the ECV datasets freely available without any restrictions on use once released onto the CCI Open Data Portal.

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